Friday, June 24, 2005

There are mountains here too

We rode home in silence yesterday evening after a full day at the office, partly because the insanity of the project has started to take its toll on the energy level in the house, and partly because the city's evening sunlight and breeze begged us to quiet down and enjoy its colors and scents. Children ran around in the dark red dirt, women sold us broiled maize off the side of the road as if the entire city were its own little drive-through, and boda boda drivers zigzagged their way and their fate through the streets.

Cows, goats, boda bodas, matatus, screaming children, and people people people everywhere. We all share this chaotic whirlwind of a city. Density hangs in the air throughout the day and it's only when the sun begins to set that it lets up a little bit. I've been here almost a month. It's hard to believe. But there is more to Uganda than Kampala; there are mountains and falls and villages. I'm off to Mbale and Mount Elgon for the weekend, off to see what kinds of colors and perfumes the Eastern part of this country has to offer.


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